Luisa takes care of herself

Feeling she had to support her family financially and earn enough to pay for her university studies became a huge burden for eighteen-year-old Luisa.

Overwhelmed and on the verge of sacrificing her own happiness, Luisa needed help identifying which roles were hers and which roles she could leave for others to ease her burden.

Courageous conversations in the form of talking therapy sessions with a Family Works counsellor allowed Luisa to take responsibility for herself by allowing others to do the same.

“I realise I had taken on too many jobs and I am not responsible for running the family home.”

Luisa is moving away to study and is feeling a lot more positive about her relationships with her family members.

Family Works offers one-on-one easy to access counselling.

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Champion for Māori Health

Mental health in children and youth has become an increasing concern and is apparent throughout Family Works sites

The difficult reality we face every day is that children are increasingly needing counselling services for mental health and trauma.

Family Works establishes support services in Marton

Family Works has started offering services in the small Rangitīkei town of Marton after identifying a need for support in