Family Works Awhi mai awhi atu
School-based counselling that supports our tamariki and taitamariki to thrive.
We understand that school and sometimes life in general can be hard. Increasing anxiety and other pressures including friendship trouble, bullying and anger in the classroom and playground are at an all-time high for tamariki me taitamariki/children and young people. Such pressures often result in ākonga (students) disengaging from learning and education.
Contracted by the Ministry of Education, the Awhi mai awhi atu programme has been designed by Family Works to provide a range of support services to ākonga (students) and their whānau, so they can better engage and participate at kura/school.
E kore au e ngaro, he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea.
I shall never be lost, I am a seed sown from Rangiātea.

Supporting tamariki and taitamariki
Our trained kaihautū (practitioners) can offer tautoko (support) for the following and much more:
- Feelings of stress or anxiety
- Friendship problems or bullying
- Gender identity or sexuality
- Drug or alcohol problems
If this sounds like you or someone you know, Family Works is here to help. Make a referral for yourself or someone else now – it’s easy.

A joint approach
The tautoko (support) offered through the programme is viewed as a partnership with the ākonga (student), kaihautū (practitioners), the kura (school), and in collaboration with whānau, hapū, iwi and other community groups, to ensure positive outcomes are achieved and maintained.
Our kaihautū (practitioners) will provide a safe and supportive environment where issues can be explored, and strategies developed to address feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. They are receptive and will tailor support to each individual student, taking into account their emotional, social, cultural and spiritual needs.
Do you need immediate help?
If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, call the Police on 111.