Our kaupapa
The Family Works approach.
Our unique way of working, known as Te Ara Whānau (Family Solutions), is strengths-based and solutions focussed – meaning we’ll work with you to build on the strengths and resources that you and your family already have, and support you to create positive changes.
This approach engages the whole whānau and provides a wide range of services which are tailored to the needs of the individuals and whānau as a whole. Te Ara Whānau ensures we’re working in a way that is right for the family, whānau and their specific circumstances.
We know that by providing seamless services outcomes for families are improved and individuals become more resilient and better equipped for the future.
Our harakeke
The harakeke (flax) is an important symbol for Family Works. It symbolises the wellbeing of family and whānau. The new leaf at the centre of the harakeke represents the tamaiti (child), and larger leaves on the outside symbolise the mātua (parents), whanaunga (extended family) and other tautoko (support).
The tamaiti (child) is always at the centre of our work, just like the harakeke plant. The roots of the flax plant offer important symbolism too – they represent the sustenance needed for children, families, whānau, and the community to grow and flourish.